Celebrating 31 years of publication in 2025!
The latest Food Fax®
Food Fax Q4 2024 laments the increasing number of food recalls in both the USA and Canada, and re-visits the cost-benefit analysis of the respective food safety legislation in each jurisdiction which mandated (except in a few cases) Preventive Control Plans for food manufacturers. Clearly, a different approach to achieve the stated objectives is needed.
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Written to inform the food industry since 1994
Our quarterly one-page, complimentary newsbulletin devoted to an issue prevalent in the food industry
In 2024, Food Fax will delve into the emerging and fascinating field of technology and food safety. Truly, all that glitters is not AI! The first quarterly Food Fax tallies the number of food recalls throughout 2023. Subsequent Food Fax issues will estimate the costs of a food recall, both those measurable, such as financial, and those not directly measurable, such as loss of goodwill. As well, Food Fax will explore emerging advances such as food packaging which detects microbial contamination, and/or, immobilizes microbial growth.
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