Webinars and seminars
IFFL’s webinars and seminars are hosted by NSF International
[ˈwebinär] NOUN…a seminar conducted over the Internet.
FDA’s Nutrition Facts Label
The FDA’s compliance deadline of January 1, 2020 has come and gone. Our two-hour webinar FDA Modernized Nutrition Facts Label for Packaged Foods in the USA, complete with hands-on exercises, has been selling out in recent months. Learn about metric measurements, revised % DV calculations, the declaration of folate in the presence of folic acid, the FDA’s definition of dietary fiber and of added sugars, mandatory record-keeping and other requirements of this far-reaching legislation. This popular webinar is offered several times throughout the year.
Upcoming dates:
April 21, 2022 1 p.m.
October 28, 2022 1 p.m.
See all upcoming dates and register for the Nutrition Facts Label webinar
FDA’s Supplement Facts Label
FDA’s revised Supplement Facts came into force on January 1, 2020. This information-packed, hands-on-learning webinar describes the revised declaration of the b2-ingredients in a Supplement Facts panel. Attendees will learn, first hand, the number one mistake stakeholders make when creating a SFL and how to avoid it.
Other topics include updated and newly-revised RDI’s, which in turn impact the % DV declarations. Changed vitamin and mineral declarations and revised rounding rules and more is covered in this two-hour webinar.
Upcoming dates:
September 23, 2022 1 p.m.
See all upcoming dates and register for the Supplement Facts Label webinar
[ˈseməˌnär] NOUN…a conference or other meeting for discussion or training
Our seminars have traditionally been offered in a classroom, face-to-face style. We are currently reviewing the feasibility of delivering this content via the webinar format. Once the possibility of doing so is confirmed, we will update this information accordingly. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Private, in-house customized training
Contact us to discuss private, in-house, customized training for one or more of your functional teams: regulatory compliance, product development, sales, marketing and/or business development.
Recent seminars, workshops and speaking engagements

Panelist for the screening of the critically-acclaimed documentary film “Food Evolution” in both:
International Union of Food Science and Technology, Dublin Ireland, August 23, 2016
Carol T. Culhane provided an oral presentation on the commercialization of a GOS (galaco-oligosaccharide) under the conference theme of “Health claims, regulations and ethics”.
Baker’s Journal, Toronto, ON, March 8, 2016

Several hundred participants joined expert Carol T. Culhane for this webinar as she guided them through the maze of creating compliant ingredients lists for bakery products sold in Canada and the U.S. from one harmonized formula.
8th Annual American Food Technology and Innovation Summit
“The Court of Public Opinion” presented on April 8-9, 2014 in Chicago, IL
It was twenty years since the world’s first genetically-engineered/modified food was launched – the FlavorSavor™ tomato. Yet, the labelling of genetically-modified foods (GMO’s) was as much a hot topic then – in boardrooms and newsrooms – as it was in 1994, with added debate in legislature chambers. This talk summarized some of the unprecedented initiatives to achieve GMO labelling in the USA, as undertaken by consumers and some producer groups as well. The talk concluded with a call to reflect on the collective impact on the food industry, and on the cost of ascending and implementing legislation of this nature.
CIFST 50th National Conference – May 2012, Niagara Falls, ON – www.cifst.ca
Speaking Engagement: Monday, May 28th, 2012.
Topic: “Putting a Face to a Name – Dietary Fibre”
Chair of Technical Symposium: “Prebiotics and Probiotics: A Gut Feeling”
“Busting Functional Food and NHP Myths and Barriers”, presented February 2010 in Moncton, NB. Sponsored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Atlantic Food and Beverage Processing Association.
Plenary Guest Moderator: “Convenience Foods; Approaches to Health”
February 12, 2008. Part of the Canadian Liver Foundation 3-day Agri-food Innovation Forum “Food for a Healthy Proposition: The Appetite Continues…”
“Marketing Perspective: The Importance of Low-sodium Foods”
Hosted by the Guelph Food Technology Centre
“Food Fortification – the Offensive and the Defensive”
Atlantic Food & Beverage Processors Association
“Self-employment and Running your Own Business”
Ryerson University, Guest Speaker to M.Sc. Nutrition students
March 7, 2012
“A Broad Scope and an Inside Scoop: Product Development Heads Up”
Ryerson University, October 28, 2011
“A Very Brief Overview of Canadian Federal Food Regulations”
Ryerson University, Guest Speaker, 3rd year Food Science Program
October 29, 2007
Roundtable discussion Non-Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), invited participant
Sponsored by the Canadian Liver Foundation
October 19, 2007
“Trans Fats: Truth & Fiction”
Shellbacks meeting, Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
May 17, 2008